Pictures: Home

Bro, working hard to dislodge a Big Stick the beavers stuck in the mud at the bottom of the river: Bear poop for DeAnna: Where the beaver have been hard at work: (I’m trying to upload more, but it’s taken most of my battery power to upload these. Maybe I’ll do more tomorrow.)


Katie taught me The First Thing You See. When I’m on the road, I stop and sleep in beautiful places. These are some of the first things I’ve seen upon waking up. Out the other window: Cultural exploitation at it’s worst: (This photo can be viewed in person at Wal Mikes on the Parks Highway.)… Continue reading Pics!

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T-Shirt Surgery

Everyone’s doing it, so I tried it too.  My favorite shirt is cool now. I didn’t mean to expose this much skin, but somewhere between the test shirt and this shirt things went slightly awry.  Oh well.

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My History

Going through my mom’s garage, we found some things.  These are the mittens and mukluks I wore when I was a little kid, all made by my mom: This is a parka my mom made for me out of the skin of an unborn caribou that an elder gave her for me when I was… Continue reading My History

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Yummy Van Foods

I realized today how often I photograph my food. I just like food so much, and I get proud of all the good food I make. Here’s what I had for breakfast yesterday. Have I mentioned I love my 12 volt pan? Just put the salmon in, drive a couple exits, flip the salmon and… Continue reading Yummy Van Foods

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I’ve been henna’ing lately. My hair, my skin, other peoples skin. This is the logo for locally grown veggies here, and I put it on Possum. I’m south. South east, I mean. I’ve never been here before. It’s hot and humid. People are friendly and a little different than I’ve ever been around. Tonight I’m… Continue reading Pics!


On the who are you guys post (which, if you haven’t answered yet, you should), everyone wanted to see pics of Bro. I used to attempt to post pics once week (which, realistically was more like twice a month) but then the good laptop bit the dust, and I didn’t think the back up camera… Continue reading Pics

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From school: This is what our snow looks like: Here’s a pic I took driving away from school: Have you ever wondered what’s at the end of the road? Well, now you know. Right before the end of the road, there’s a graveyard: Halloween! I was a naughty nurse, because I already had the dress… Continue reading Pictures

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Some from the last few days, some from the whole summer. Alaska mountain love: This was a really big dog/wolf track. That’s the shadow of both my legs, and its that wide. An old cookstove and kids dogsled: Squatter cabin all overgrown with rhubarb: Fireweed (makes bright life from ashes and then falls into a… Continue reading Pictures

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