the journey

It’s about the journey, not the destination, right? I ended up staying in the big city an extra day so I could pick up medication for my mom’s dog. My mom lives in a village too small for even a gas station and three or four dogs there have foot cancer. Anyone who cares knows… Continue reading the journey

feminism, western civilization, stripping, and wage slavery

You know what I hate? When people who call themselves feminists tell me that I’m degrading myself or messing myself up by being a stripper (“if only she knew what she’s doing to herself,” they whisper). After over a decade of dancing, I’ve got a pretty good idea of exactly what I’m doing, and I’m… Continue reading feminism, western civilization, stripping, and wage slavery

so lazy

Today I’m going to be all lazy and self centered and just post a couple poems people have written about me. But wait, they’re interesting! This first one was written when I was sixteen and living in Arizona. The guy who wrote it later chased me around with a knife trying to kill me in… Continue reading so lazy

Bro loves it here

I know I haven’t blogged much about Bro, but I’m sure I’ve mentioned how much he loves the ball? Seriously, the ball is his brain, he has the external kind. He can’t help it, he’s a Border Collie. Normally, when we meet people I’ll say, “don’t throw the ball if you don’t want to be… Continue reading Bro loves it here

I'm here…

I’m here at my little sister’s house in the big city. It’s really a small town, but in the village we used to talk about it like it was LA or NYC. The way to instant popularity, when I was a kid, was to have a friend in the big city. We would play “how… Continue reading I'm here…

Van pics

Some people have wanted to see how the inside of my van is set up, so last night I attempted to take some pictures. It’s hard to get a picture of the whole van at once, ya know? Also it was dark, so I couldn’t really see in the view finder until after the picture… Continue reading Van pics