Meeting in a Coffee Shop

“Tara?” He’s asking, tentative. He looks absolutely the same, plus facial hair. “Omigoddess, I haven’t seen you in years!! How are you?” “I’m married and I have six kids now! This is my oldest daughter, Rain.” “Wow… to that same woman? The one that was writing the book?” Yeah, the same woman. They built two… Continue reading Meeting in a Coffee Shop


I wake up to the softstrong lull of ocean waves and the sweet sting of salty wind. The first thing I see is the ocean, but my eyes are heavy and the next thing I know I’m dreaming of mushrooms and revolutions. When I wake again the ocean is still there, the breeze still fresh.… Continue reading Wave

Davka's New Van

Davka has the van I wish I’d been living in for the last two years instead of this Astro. It’s an Econoline 150 with the 4.9. Practically the same gas mileage I get with way more space. She got it from a guy who got it from a guy who lived in it when he… Continue reading Davka's New Van

The Possum Interviews, #1

When I tried posting these a few weeks ago, it didn’t work. A very computer wise guy tried, too, and he says the dell format that I recorded them in is just too fucked to be shrunk or translated.  So I typed up the van dwelling one. For those of you that don’t know, Possum… Continue reading The Possum Interviews, #1

Possum, on van dwelling

This is my first attempt at video blogging, so cross your fingers and be patient! Possum on Van Dwelling Okay, this might work better?