Stripper forever!

I realize I’ve bitched about a couple customers and maybe been a little negative lately. I really love dancing, and when I bitch about bad customers it’s because they’re so different from the customers I’m accustomed to. I hope no one’s gotten any other impression. I love almost everything about dancing. There’s the practical stuff,… Continue reading Stripper forever!


I love dirt. A prostitute once told me, when we were camping along the river with babies, that dirt is like sex. People are disgusted or afraid of it, but really we are born from it. When I was a kid we used to go once a week to the laundromat for a shower. We… Continue reading dirt

Did you know they got the TV in the Internet now?

Today, gentle readers, I send you out into the world to watch two very important videos. Only if you’re on speedy internet though, otherwise don’t torture yourself. First, the lovely genious Audacia Ray discusses the evolution of the online alt porn movement. I’m fascinated by alt porn because, to me, it puts porn back a… Continue reading Did you know they got the TV in the Internet now?

feminism, western civilization, stripping, and wage slavery

You know what I hate? When people who call themselves feminists tell me that I’m degrading myself or messing myself up by being a stripper (“if only she knew what she’s doing to herself,” they whisper). After over a decade of dancing, I’ve got a pretty good idea of exactly what I’m doing, and I’m… Continue reading feminism, western civilization, stripping, and wage slavery