
I think I’m all caught up on emails from the last month or so of being behind. If I still owe you an email or PM or whatever you’re probably lost in one of these tabs in my browser. Please resend if I’ve lost you. Also, my sidebars are kind of broken. If you’re one… Continue reading So…


Last summer I took my aching back to a chiropractor, and found out that my sacro iliac joint was out of wack. He put it back in and everything was better, except that the next day it came back out. Ever since I’ve been seeing chiropractors at a rather alarming rate whenever I’m in the… Continue reading Aha

Stripping Gods

Usually stripping goddesses’ are sensual, raw, strong. You feel them in the curve of your hip as you spin, in the strong muscles of your thigh as you move your hips with the music. You see them in the stars and cosmic fuzz when you roll down from that upside down position and flip upright… Continue reading Stripping Gods

Mr. Buddy

I almost bought one of those Coleman Buddy heaters last night. I sat on the cold tile floor in an aisle at WalMart and pulled it out of the box. It promises instant safety shut offs in the case of tippage or low oxygen. I could totally regain control of my van dwelling life, warm… Continue reading Mr. Buddy

Categorized as Van Living

Fuck Gateway

I just got my laptop back again, and it won’t turn on. Gateway has cost me two months of my computing life, and hasn’t even fixed the damn thing. Also, this town is full of customers who want to kill themselves, and it’s fucking depressing.


Sometimes it’s sad. Sometimes I look down at the plump young redhead I’m dancing for and see in him the old man I danced for last song. The old man whose fat hung yellow from his cheekbones, whose sexy face was a grimace of despair and hopes still mourned for. Sometimes when I sit down… Continue reading Sometimes

Categorized as Stripping


It’s becoming very apparent that while I was in Alaska I lost all my hide-from-the-cop smarts. This sucks. Do you guys think it’s suspicious to have a sun shade up in the window when it’s cold and snowy out? It’s turning out that Katie and I really are twins. Or at least related. She already… Continue reading Blegh