July Update

Well hello, Internet. It’s been a while.

I wanted to let you all know about a few things:

– I have a scene report in the current issue of $pread Magazine. $pread is the ONLY magazine for and by sex workers, and we should all support it. Plus, it has awesome articles and art.

– I have a poem in the current issue of Alaska Women Speak. I don’t think they have a website.

– My popular Tree Medicine Pain Salve is for sale on Etsy now. Check it out.

– I’m still doing phone sex and blogging at ecowhore.com, where I’ve written a couple essays about the ecowhore archetype that you can see if you click.

I’m thinking about doing updates like this every month or two, what do you guys think? Especially email rss people, I don’t want to overwhelm you guys.


  1. Hey, girl who fell off the other side of the earth! Of course we want to hear more updates from you once in awhile:) Well, perhaps its not the other side of the earth, but Alaskas about as close to it as you can get without wings or a boat !

    Take care 😉

  2. I like updates!
    And I have a question when you get a minute – do a lot of clubs require your ssn and driver’s license to work? I know Deja Vus do, but all of the not-chains make you fill out all the paperwork and shit if you’re just going to be there for a night, weekend, etc?

  3. Anna, most clubs want to make a copy of your drivers license. Maybe ten percent just check your ID without copying it. If you’re trying to hide stripping from the IRS, divorce court, or welfare office, most clubs are pretty accomodating tho.

  4. Spread is absolutely the greatest thing since sliced bread and stay up thigh highs. That’s great that you’re going to be in it!
    Any chance of you shipping your salve to Canada?

  5. Yola, sure! Just give etsy a fake address and PayPall the real one. 🙂

  6. Update as much as possible!
    There are very few blogs that I like to follow. You are a good writer and you make me laugh. I look up to you.

  7. Please keep updating.

    I’m a new reader of yours and have been diligently going through from the beginning. I’ve been feeling worried about the impending end in sight so would much prefer you to keep going.

    Also, I assume you write because you can’t get it out of your blood but also because you have this hope-glimmer that your experiences will inspire others.

    And I just want to let you know it has.

    I’m puttin’ on my travelin’ shoes tomorrow and I got my first lap dance ever tonight.

    You’ve helped shape someone you’ve never met.

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