August Update

Hello again, Internet. 🙂 Here’s another update:

– Did you see the new sponsor over there —-> ? If you’re interested in stripping, make sure you check out Pumps Mag, and watch for my upcoming article there.

– My Tree Medicine Pain Salve sold out really fast on Etsy, and I made another batch. Every batch is a little different, and this batch is great. I was really busy cutting fish and so I let it infuse for five days instead of the usual two or three (I think I’ll always do this now), and I was able to use much better beeswax. I’ll be experimenting with lip balm soon.

– I’ve been doing way more phone sex and having a lot of fun polishing up my hypno skills and learning how to mesh my sex work ideology with the random kinks of strangers who call me. I made a couple recordings this month and that’s turned out great. Next I want to learn to make movies.

– I’ve been playing in the woods, smoking fish, doing phone sex, failing at sugar daddies (but learning a lot!), making medicine, and blogging about it all over at ecowhore.


  1. It’s great that you are doing well. I have to check out ecowhore some time.

    Blessed be and have a great weekend!!

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