Quick Update

Hi Internet!

I’ve been busy but I wanted to let you all know really quickly that today I went live on ishotmyself.com, one of the most revolutionary porn sites in the world! It’s so awesome it has to be in Australia! On ishotmyself the model is the artist, and everyday there’s a new folio overflowing with pictures of real women, taken themselves.

Here’s a little bit of my artist statement from their site:

Whiskey Slough is one of the names for the beautiful wild river that is my home. Having been newly named by each generation of explorers, my river home has gone by as many names as I have stage names. She slows and dries, rushes and floods, changes direction, and offers life to me and many other animals and plants. Living free in one of the last wild places on earth…

Go read it!

If you’re not an ecowhore subscriber, you should be! I’ve travelled to a far away land in search of paying-off-the-land money, and I’m having awesome work adventures and living in a basement with a raver kid named Butterfly. You can read along for the ride if you subscribe over at ecowhore! 🙂


  1. oh man, so good to see a post from you again!
    how are you??
    how is alaska???

  2. Glad that you are doing well. I have to check out this blog some time when I’m not at the library’s computer. Blessed be Tara and have a good day.

  3. Very cool blog. I’ve been following this blog for about two years and I have to say you really capture life as it is for exotic dancers. Please keep it up.

  4. Hey there 🙂 I just came across your blog and noticed in this post you visited Australia…

    I know this sounds like a shameless promotion, but I’m an Australian ex-stripper and prostitute and am putting my memoir up on my blog (just started it last month). Could you maybe have a look? I would love some feedback!

    Princess Cindi xo

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