The Internet's Broken


I did all this work – well, actually, the mysterious admin did a LOT of work and figured out the problem. I just changed the theme and tried to bring back the sidebars. But now the sidebars are broken again and I don’t understand why. So I’m going to walk in the rain with Bro and play the dulcimer a little while he dries off and read more Daniel Quinn while I fall asleep, and maybe in the morning it will work. Distance Reiki for WordPress, anyone?


  1. bout the reiki. do you mean initiating someone into it? if so; I would love it.

    bout the sidebars. do you know what language is giving you the issue?

  2. ok so disregard the reiki comment… that’ll teach me to type before i think and post it on a well read website at 4:30am.

  3. Apart from the weird things happening to my RSS feed, I love the new minimalist decor Tara 😀

  4. Yesterday I had something like 9 new posts turn up in the feed (that’s post feed not comments feed). Some of them were double ups or differing versions of the same post, and some were old posts reappearing. Seems fine today though.

  5. WordPress is really good at having one theme that all your plugins work great for, then you change themes and BOOM! half of them don’t work anymore… lol.

    LUuckily there are enough plugins of similar uses out there that if one fails you, you can switch to another and maintain the same functionality.

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