Vibrator Review: The Stubby G

The name says it all. It’s stubby, and it’s got g-spot expertise.

The stubby g is my favorite of all the toys I got in the mail from Vibe Review. The shaft itself is curved, smooth, and bumpy in all the right places. The tip is curved to rest precisely on your g-spot. The whole thing fits like it was made from a mold of someone’s pussy. Perfectly.

It’s got the strongest battery operated vibrations I’ve ever encountered, and they are just as strong at the tip as at the end. The vibration is easily adjustable with a little dial at the end.

At the bottom of the stubby g is a nobby little ring that rests perfectly on that spot right in front of your vagina, and also your perenium.

It does all of this at the same time, which is justs so incredible. The stubby g is like a perfect lover: every woman should have one.


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