How to make herbal infusions, tinctures, oils, and salves.

I’m going to make this really quick and simple.

To make an infusion:
Put a good amount of herb in a jar (fill it maybe 1/3 full, half that or less for roots).
Pour hot water over it and put the lid on the jar.
Strain and drink when at least four hours has passed.

To make a tincture:
Put a good amount of fresh or dried herb in a jar.
Cover it with vodka, brandy, or grain alcohol – twice as much alcohol as fresh herb, or five times as much as dried herb.
Its okay to start using it after two weeks, but don’t strain it until it’s been six weeks.
Store in a dark place.

To make an oil:

Crock pot method:
Put a good amount of herb in the bottom of your crock pot or Smartmug.
Cover with extra virgin olive oil, bear grease, almond oil, or whatever kind of oil you like.
Set on low or at 100 degrees for 2-4 hours.
Keep a close eye on it to prevent burning.
Strain out herbs and store oil in a dark place.

Sun method:
Put a good amount of herb in a jar.
Cover with extra virgin olive oil, bear grease, almond oil, etc.
Put the lid on it and set it in a warm, sunny place.
Cross your fingers against mold and wait six weeks.
Strain out herbs and store oil in a dark place.

To make a salve:
Put your oil back in the crock pot or double boiler.
Add a little beeswax, not much, let it melt and stir it in.
Test the consistency by taking out a dot and letting it cool (if you have a freezer you can speed this process).
Keep adding beeswax until you’ve reached your preferred consistency.
Pour into jars, let cool, and store in a dark place.

Tincture jars, salve containers, beeswax, and loose herbs, can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs (click on the link over there —>).


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